Telegram also offers you the option of defining a user name. By creating a link, you can then be contacted directly via Telegram account. All you have to do is enter as a link to go directly to your Telegram account profile.
This is how you create, manage and leave a group in the Telegram account
Alongside WhatsApp, Telegram accountis the chat app of the moment. Not controversial, the app has weathered its various storms and is now a very popular application for chatting, sharing videos, stickers and all that stuff. Today I'm going to show you how to create, manage, and leave a group in Telegram account.
Part of what makes Telegram accountso popular is its ease of use. In addition to a clear allusion to privacy, the simplicity of the app ensures the broadest possible user base. With over 200 million users, it has a wide audience that most of your friends are likely to be using, even if you aren't already.
Ask users why they are using Telegram account and they will likely say several things. It's quick with messages being delivered almost instantly. It's easy to use with a simple user interface and straightforward navigation. It's free, no ads, no subscriptions, and no in-app purchases. It is safe if all chats are encrypted and have the option to self-destruct.
Telegram and privacy
A major benefit of using Telegram account is data protection. All chats are encrypted and can be configured to self-destruct for extra security. Chat servers use a distributed model so that no government can ban or monitor all chats and the chat API is open source. So anyone who sees a code can see exactly what the app can and cannot do. The server software is closed and not open for inspection.
Surveillance is a big thing and any application that shields us from prying eyes is going to become popular. While Telegram votes isn't perfect when it comes to security or encryption, it's one of the best chat apps available in that regard.
Telegram channels: you need to know that
Telegram channels - also called channels - are more like feeds than a group chat. Do you have
If I subscribe to a channel on a topic, you are merely a passive recipient of messages. In contrast to groups, channels are aimed at a broad, public audience, whereby only the administrator of the channel has the right to intervene and write messages. Another difference to group chat is the number of participants. This is unlimited in the case of channels.
Find and create Telegram votes channels
If you want to join a channel, there are two ways. Either you receive an invitation from one of your contacts or you go through channel lists. You can find Telegram votes channel lists online via browser, but caution is advised here because some are also virus spreaders or contain pornographic content. Therefore, our recommendation is to use the official Telegram members overview at Telegram or to visit the well-prepared and secure platform If you want to create a channel yourself as an administrator, then proceed as follows:
Create a Telegram membersgroup in just a few steps
You can create a Telegram membersgroup in no time, to which you can then add people from your contacts. Such a group can consist of 2 to 200,000 people - including you.